Hey all, well I had to start a new blog. I really don't have time right now to make it all fancy, but I'll get to it sooner or later. Unfortunately I lost all of your blog addresses. Please leave me a comment with your blog address so I can add you back to my blog list. Thanks.
Lea I feel bad that this happened. It must be kinda like losing your cell phone. You lose all your contact info. I hope everyone gets their addresses to you. Will you keep the old address too or wipe it out once you get this one established? Let me know. Mom
That does suck. I'm sorry. My address is tdandk.blogspot.com Good luck with your new blog. We need to talk I'll try to call you next week.
Hi lea! my address is hepworth8000.blogspot.com.
Have a nice day!
Hey Lea
sorry about all the extra work for you! we're at gleck.blogspot.com
That sucks!!
I can't remember if I told you or not but it was cool to see you and your family when you were up your girls are so cute!!!
Hey Lea, my address is ponomichellefinlayson.blogspot.com
We're at chachilovesjoni.blogspot.com
Lea, sorry you couldn't get it fixed! Our blog address is hanfam22.blogspot.com (You can use hanfam22updates.blogspot.com for bloglines since our blog is private)
oh, dang it...atleast you can start fresh! ours is devinandrakae.blogspot.com
That sucks! aor blog is kolbyanddiana.blogspot.com. ours is private so if ya need a new invite e-mail me at nanna_bear_2000@yahoo.com
Hey hope that this all works out for you. It would be great to keep in touch over all the joys of twins! My address is iseedouble.blogspot.com
don't forget to add us to your blog: mikeandchiye.blogspot.com
I'm sorry. This stuff is like your life. Hopefully you'll get it fixed. Ours is joshnalisha.blogspot.com
That bites about the blog. Girls are growing so fast I just can't believe that they are that big. Our blog is nickandsarahsmithfamily.blogspot.com Take care and xmas we are staying here and then hoping on the 26th we will take off and go back to Idaho!!
HEy, it's Kami our is www.tylerwilliamsonfam.blogspot.com. Sorry, you had to start over!!
Hey! Ours is jojogirl13.blogspot.com...or just click on my name above. lol Hope this blog doesn't give you more grief!
hey lea- i got a new blog address as well
Can't wait to see pic's of the kiddos!
Lea, I am Con and Sarah's sister and have been tracking ya! My little Jeffrey used to call Jeff, Uncle Jeff! And I am private, so here is my link nelsonfamliy.blogspot.com send me your email at cnelson1151@hotmail.com and I will get you hooked up! Your girls are so so super cute!!
hey lea it's kara ludwig here is my blog check it out www.blarers.blogspot.com
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