Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gracie plays vball

My girls really love to play ball. They love to throw, kick, and now play volleyball. They both do it, but Gracie more. Hopefully I'll be able to get Madi on her own video, but this one is all Gracie and Aunt Hilary.
P.S. Letter Factory is playing in the background on DVD.


Cordie said...

wow she really does so well! how awesome!

Kelsey said...

OH MY HECK!!! How cool! They are going to be good little athletes I feel!

Kolby & Diana Romrell said...

That is so cute. Very impressive.

Jennifer said...

It's in the genes. I hope you guys live close enough that dad and I will get to watch them some day. That would be so fun. I'm glad you got that on tape.

Anonymous said...

That is so good!!! And only 2 years old!!! So cute!! Love G&G Lau

meagan said...

sweet skills! of course you would be treating your little cuties volleyball skills.