Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Grandparents Visit Again!

Yes it is true, but it was Grandpa and Grandma Hendricks this time! My parents were able to visit for a week and we sure did have fun. The girls just LOVED being spoiled. My parents also spoiled us too. They babysat a lot for Jeff and I. I was able to go visiting teaching, teach a new member discussion, go to dinner and a movie with my hubby, and fish with Jeff at the ocean. I also didn't have to clean up the girls once after eating! What a joy that was. We also went to the Wildlife Safari in Bandon. We went with Jeff's family last May, but the girls were too little to enjoy it. They really loved seeing the animals, although everything was "Puppy!" Thanks so much for everything.... we love you lots and can't wait to see you in August with Hilary and maybe Kelsey?


aunt hil said...

yes yes thats right when i come! yay! well looks like they had a great time! lol haha i like how mom was a horsey. well love ya!

Kelsey said...

Haha how cute those lil girls are! Mom was letting them ride of her back? Haha that's so funny! Miss you guys!

Cordie said...

Such a fun post! I love all the pictures especially when the girls are riding the "pony" haha! Looks like you all had so much fun! I seriously need to come visit and get my "stingy" time in!

meagan said...

wow you guys are up close and personal with the animals. sounds like you had a great time with your parents and quality time with Jeff.

The Perkins Family said...

Lots of fun. Glad you two got some time to yourselves. And way to go on getting out of cleaning up the food mess. Just kiddin. It's always nice to have a break!

Jennifer said...

We had a great time. It was so nice to have that many days to see your routine and gain a new appreciation on what you do to keep things structured. Dad and I are very impressed. You and Jeff are wonderful parents. Your girls are incredible and so fun. We loved taking care of them and having lots of fun time. We LOVE them so much. We'll see how much time we'll have in August. G&G Hendricks

Trevor and Dayna said...

How fun. I can't believe you get to pet those wild animals. I bet they were thinking your girls looked like a tasty treat!